Compression Therapy
Recover faster and perform better with Full Body Compression Therapy - the ultimate solution for enhanced athletic performance and post-workout recovery.
Benefits: Full body Compression
By improving blood flow and oxygenation to the body, compression reducing muscle fatigue, inflammation and helps speed up recovery time between workouts or after surgery.
Compression therapy acts like a gentle, warm hug that enhances proprioception, or your awareness of your body in the moment, while moving you into the parasympathetic so you can experience a sense of complete relaxation.
Compression therapy opens the lymphatic drainage pathway to allow excess fluid and toxins to move through and be flushed out of the body, increasing the effectiveness of detoxification.
Compression can help smooth out lumps and bumps, creating a more streamlined look by engaging the lymphatic system which removes excess fluid and toxins from the body
More on Full Body Compression Therapy
The lymphatic system is vital to your health. It is responsible for the removal of excess fluids from the body’s tissue, absorption of fatty acids and transportation of fat, production of immune cell, cleansing, the removal of waste out of your body, flushing out metabolic waste, eliminating stress & lowers your acidic stress hormones (cortisol). Compression Therapy promotes healthy lymphatic drainage which in turn create a long list of health benefits. But wait, there’s more…
Have you ever spent hundreds of dollars on fat loss services or facial treatments only to feel disappointed with the end results? A sluggish lymphatic system could be part of the problem. If your lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly, your body may not be able to complete the processes you are asking it to do when having treatments done. Adding Compression to these services can provide the enhancement you need to feel you have gotten your money’s worth.